Friday, September 4, 2015

In My Skin..Part 2

Four years ago, I had shared a photo of myself, comfortable in my own skin.
While reading that post today, I was proud of myself.
Proud of not taking peoples crap.
Proud that I stuck up for myself.
Proud that I was happy with who I was and where I was.

I now sit and reflect on those words I wrote four years ago.

I had received so much support during my weight loss journey, but for those of you who have gone through a weight loss transformation yourself know you will always have at least one person who doesn't think you should change any more then you had and is negative.
I had several.
I was so tired of hearing "your going to vanish" "your way too skinny"

Ya know what, I was happy with how I looked and felt amazing. I was healthy with how I lost the weight. I had never had an eating problem. My only "problem" was I was addicted to working out and clean eating. I wouldn't even call that a problem but a healthy life choice.

Yes, I was "skinny" or as I like to call it, fit. I was where I was supposed to be. I am only 5'3. 

Now today, three years later. I have just really started getting back into working out after having the twins THREE years ago. I am not afraid to admit that I am where I started five years ago. 
I have now heard, "she's heavy" "she needs to loose weight" or they talk to me like I have never been "thin" or fit in my life.

Its a nasty vicious battle and people are always going to have something to say, whether your thin or heavy!

But, I don't care what others say or have said.

Yes, I personally know I need to loose weight. I had fallen into a slump and stopped working out
{which goes back to my blog post about if I stop working out I will go right back to where I was...point proven! Look where I am!!!} 

I can not even begin to tell you how great I felt when I was fit. When I was comfortable with my appearance. Yes, I have five, very active children. That is NO excuse as to why I have gained weight back. I made very unhealthy choices. Unhealthy food, rarely working out and drinking alcohol. It all came back on so fast. 

It was one day I found a pair of pants that I loved, went to put them on and they didn't go past my thighs! Really?! That was the moment I came to terms with myself and my weight gain.

I have a ways to go but I now have an amazing group of ladies who are so inspiring and motivating that I know will help and cheer me on through my current journey.

Here's a little bit of advice to people...

Stop discriminating other people, wether their "skinny" or "fat".

I have been on both ends of being "skinny" and "fat" and I will tell you right now NEITHER appreciate being judged about their body.

Here is my photo from four years ago...

My blog post In My Skin

New faces.

I'm baaaaaack!
It has been two years too long since my last blog post. I have no other reasons then life getting ahead of us and not blogging. I had contemplated time after time to get on and post a blog but I never actually did. Oh well, better late then never to get back on here!

LOTS of changes since my last blog post.

First and foremost...


We are still in California but no longer living in Southern California.
We are in Northern California!! We are living in the beautiful Eastern Sierra Mountains!! It is such a huge change from SoCal. No more ocean at our front door, just mountains. I am ok with that now! If you would have asked me last July 2014... nope, not happy! 
We left Camp Pendleton on December 11, 2014 and drove the 8 hours north to our new home!
When we arrived it was dark, so we couldn't see the beauty around us, but the next morning we were all in awe. It is beautiful here. We have now lived here for 9 months and still love it! We are in a very remote area, where the closest retail store is almost 30 minutes away! {worse then Dingmans Ferry PA!!} The kids too have fallen in love with the area. We have explored so much area in the short amount of time that we have been here! We absolutely LOVE Lake Tahoe! I have never seen a more beautiful BLUE lake in my life! We feel like this is such an awesome experience for not only us but for the kids. We are doing more then we ever have! I would rather my kids have a day out in nature, exploring opposed to a theme park any day!! 

Overall, things have been really good for the Smith Family!! 
Here are some recent photos of some of our exploring!

Friday, April 26, 2013

Twin's are 9 Months old!!

Happy 9 Months Kian & Kynlee!!!
They do not sit still.

Yep, you read that right! 9 MONTHS OLD!!! My little chunkers are getting so big and FAST!!
They have been crawling, pulling their selves up on everything and even letting go and standing un-supported!! They have been cruising the furniture which scares the living crap out of me!!
I definitely have to baby proof more of the house because these two are quick and get into everything!! The older three never got into as much as these two!! I have to keep the bathroom door shut or their ripping up the garbage or trying to play in the toilet. They pull everything out of the cabinets in the kitchen and living room entertainment center! So here we go...its baby lock down time!!

Kian now has 2 teeth and now working on pushing 2 more teeth out while Ms. Kynlee has 0. I'm in no rush for her to get any, I LOVE her gummy smile(and she likes to bite so thank god for no teeth, yet!)
They haven't gone to their 9 month well visit yet, but according to our nursery scale Kynlee is 18lbs and Kian is 23lbs!! Nice healthy babies!! I will give the actual stats after their appointment!!

They both say- Mama Dada baba hi and Kynlee has picked up NO and Bub(for Kian)

Still loving every minute!!

This was me pregnant exactly a year ago today with the twins...

Heres a few random photos from today!
They sat still. BUT they took their stickers off LOL

CAUGHT ya!! Pulling Kynlees clothes out!!

Looking at big sister Paisley

Laughing at their big sister!

Just chillin in Kian's crib!

There's those teeth!! He wanted out!!

My doll baby <3 td="">

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Happy 6 months babies!!

The twins are now...

We must be having tons of fun because I have no idea where those six months have gone!!
But boy, we sure have loved every second so far!!

Things have been going so well with them!! Kynlee is reflux free!! woohoo!!!! 
They have both been sitting up on their own, unassisted for about a month now!!
They are starting to move their knees up...crawling is very soon in their future!! YIKES...I'm definitely in for it when they are mobile!! I need to start putting up baby gates and preparing for future disasters lol They are definitely anxious to get moving to run around with their big sisters, they are slowly scooting around on their butts to get to them....I am needless to say terrified for when the time comes lol

They have their 6 month appointment on Monday but weighed them on nursery scale and Kynlee is 15.5lbs and Kian is still exactly 20lbs...we'll see what they say on Monday!

They are now eating baby food and love it!! 

6 Months old!!!

So big now!!

Hanging out in their cribs waiting for pictures lol

<3 td="">

All done... lol

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Finally updated.

It has been a while since I have blogged due to so much going on so this will be a blog of everything!

The holidays are now over! As much as I love everything about it, it becomes very stressful and overwhelming. We had a very nice Thanksgiving, had quite a few friends come over and celebrate with us! There was SO much food{which was all amazing} we all did a good job on pulling it off!
Christmas was also very nice as well! The kids were spoiled as always! Got so many new awesome gifts! Not only did Santa spoil them but my entire family, they were opening gifts for a about a week after Christmas! Can not thank my family enough!! It was the twins first Christmas, of course they had NO clue what was going on lol all they knew was that they got these awesome new cars that they could walk around in{and many more toys} We had dinner with our second family, the Geigers. Which of course was very nice!
We didn't do anything crazy for New Years, just stayed home had the Geigers over again and just hung out, had a few adult beverages and went to bed after the ball dropped!

Christmas 2012

The girls have been doing very well with school! Audrianna is still loving first grade! I'm just still blown away that she is going to be SEVEN in a little less then four months! Ella has been doing exceptionally well in TK! We had her parent teacher conference before Christmas break and her teacher had nothing but good things to say about her. She is exceeding kindergarten level already! 
Audrianna and Ella joined Cheerleading back in November and absolutely love it! Its so nice to see them love something that I loved as a child as well!

Paisley has been her normal rambunctious self lol I like to say she's a 3 year old with a 16 year old mentality. I thought the older two were trapped in a teenage mentality but Pai has definitely got them beat! Im in the midst of trying to get her into Head start. She wants to go to school so bad! So hopefully she can get in!! She's so smart as it is now, I'm anxious to see how much more she will flourish in school!!!

Kian and Kynlee are now FIVE MONTHS OLD!!! Ahh!!! It's going by so fast! Just to think that at the end of this month they will be 6 months blows my mind!!! They are doing SO much now!! They roll all over the place, they can both say "dada" and Kian said "mama" the other day{melted my heart} and just recently they have started sitting up all on their own!! Which is amazing!!! Its been an amazing journey with these two so far and its amazing that Jimmy is home to witness it himself(he hasnt been home for a baby since Audri and even then he worked 6-7 days a week so he was constantly gone)

We're 5 Months Old!!
Mama tried to do our 5 month photos lol

Sitting up playing with their toys!!

Everything else is going as good as it could. I've gotten used to California, I guess you could say its growing on me.  No, that does not mean I want to stay here, but I've learned to cope with it better. I'm just going to enjoy it while im here, see things I have always wanted to see and do. Not many people get to visit here, let alone live here so I'm taking advantage of it all. Because as soon as we can leave, you better believe were gonnnne lol

Some new news...Jimmy was flagged. For my civilian family and friends that means for a billet-Recruiting. We would prefer NOT to do recruiting and luckily we are able to get out of it. BUT he still needs to do a billet. So once his package is in and they figure out whats up, we will then as well. But we are pushing for east coast! He has what he wants in mind so hopefully they can give us what he wants!!! So prayers are accepted!! Regardless were just going to go with the flow of what were given, if they even give us anything! But it is nice that my husband is a pretty awesome Marine and has some hooks ups that can hopefully get us back on the east coast!!!

Well thats pretty much it! Hopefully I stay back in the swing of blogging{lol}